This pond had been half completed by another company taking over 6 months to get to this stage. The fish had been left in the garage and the work not completed. The other company had already taken full payment but not completed what the client had asked for. 3 months later. Still no response.
Pump Action Ponds came onto the site to fix the problems left uncompleted. This involves having to drain and clean the already overclogged water, and refit a second filter to accomodate the 40+ fish that were known to be in the pond. 7 Large fish had unfortunately died a few weeks before we arrived.
 The filter fitted by the other company was an overpriced pressure filter suited for large indoor compact pond sites. Let’s just say in 3 months it had gotten THIS bad and was extremely overclogged. These filters go for around £270. The client DID NOT need something like this.
We started draining the pond and removing the fish. The water was logged with fish waste and the nitrite levels were through the roof! The fish still looked healthy. Nitrite is produced by the bacteria in your pond converting the fish waste. Plantlife can convert it to relatively harmless nitrate.
Here’s a second pump that was fitted for some.... reason. It wasn’t hooked up to anything and had just been left on a middle shelf to just sit nothing. Well we’re gonna use this to power the new filter and maintain the filtration level above the fish stock of the pond.
The pond as always is drained and scrubbed to remove the majority of the algae and all of the waste material. Removing all the biology is not a good idea as it leaves the pond barren and without a stabilising equilibrium. Pond plants are trimmed back a bit too.
This monstrosity was what the state of the filter pump was in before cleaning. It had collected so much filth from the bottom of the pond it was barely pumping enough water into the already clogged filtration system. This is what we’re here for. So you don’t have to deal with this yourself. 0:-)
This was the pond after we placed the fish back into the retreated and oxygenated water. Overall 43 goldfish and 1 frog. 2 goldfish were heavily pregnant so there will be a fair few smaller fish soon enough.
The glorious finish as we are now just waiting for the new filter to arrive. This shall be fitted within the week to help cope with the large fish stock in the pond. We like to pride ourselves on making sure the customer pays for what they need not what is currently the latest and greatest.
The filter was fully cleaned out in available clean pond water and around 20% of the biomatter left in to maintain the bacteria culture growth. Extra bacteria culture was added to keep the equilibrium stable and the filter was refitted for purpose.
The filter has now arrived and has been installed. There have been two large outlet fitted to ensure the hi-powered pump (2000ltr/hour) has proper drainage. The filter is now straining the constant waste from the pond and the UV light on the other pump is managing the algae.